why untitled, unwritten?

I once labeled everything before it was written, until I found it kept too many words away. Now I am leaving the unwritten untitled, until it grows into a name.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No. 60

I always attempt NaNoWriMo and rarely make it past opening a document in Word and typing a few lines or staring blankly.

This time, though, I opened an account on Yarny and wrote five hundred seventeen words.

That's not a lot of words toward the 50,000 one is supposed to write by the end of the month, but it is progress.  Also, I AM WRITING.  This is good.  I miss writing.  I've missed it for years.  I last wrote a story three years ago.  I write essays and journals, but I missed stories.  I just never felt like I had one in me until I started typing again this morning.

Wish me luck, won't you?

Write sterling silver necklace by Piano Bench Designs on Etsy


Tiffany Kadani said...

I am sooo excited for you! You can do this! It was a hard decision to not do it this year. I still might. I don't know. I'm torn. But I know you will do awesome. You already have a great start!

Jamie said...

What's your user name on the NaNo website? We're in this together! Last night at midnight I decided to save my awesome idea for later and totally just type and see what happens. I wrote the worst 1700 words ever, but I really wanted to embrace the madcap and I am :)

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Wishing you a lot of inspiration to come your way! It's just about getting in the zone - once you are in, everything else will follow... x

... said...

Katie, keep writing! If you need encouragement, call or text me. Aunt K.

Heather K. said...

Good luck! I think it's wonderful to participate in NaNoWriMo... I am a little too intimidated, with school and all. Maybe I'll take that challenge in December.

Is that lame?

Cassie said...

Good luck! Go after it! I've never written a story, or heard of Yarny, but NaNoWriMo I'm somewhat familiar with. Sounds like a thing for the bucket list!