why untitled, unwritten?

I once labeled everything before it was written, until I found it kept too many words away. Now I am leaving the unwritten untitled, until it grows into a name.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Let's talk about wellness for a minute--specifically, weight, and how it sometimes does serve as a sign of wellness or lack thereof.  Sometimes I feel like this topic is taboo, unless you're having all sorts of health problems related to weight or whatever.  I'd never presume to discuss someone else's weight, but my own?

Well, I started college at a healthy weight and BMI.  I didn't exercise a lot, but I walked enough to make up for it.

Then I finished college, got married, moved to a small town, and got a desk job, which basically added up to eating like my (much taller) husband and, during the cold, rainy, snowy winter, no exercise.  Four years, two cities, two apartments, a dog, a house, and twenty-five pounds later, my BMI is at the top edge of normal.  That's not where I want to be.

I think most people would be happy with this, and that's fine for them.  But with a family history of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other inheritable predispositions, and with the simple problem of feeling winded far too easily, I'm not happy with almost-too-high.  I won't go Paleo or vegan or anything--that wouldn't be sustainable for me--but the husband and I are making little changes.  More walks, less Netflix.  More veggies, fewer breads.  More fruit, fewer sweets.  More yoga, less stress (win-win!).

While reaching a healthy weight/BMI is part of the goal, I'm finding other treats along the way: less tension, more flexibility (literally and figuratively), more peace, and a little bit more strength.  And the dog is less crazy after a long walk or short run.  So there's basically nothing to lose.  Now, will I stick with it?  Any tips for staying in the habit (especially after that sense of accomplishment you feel in the first week)?

Image source unknown, found here. It fit my take on weight and wellness too well to ignore, so I stuck with it.

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