why untitled, unwritten?

I once labeled everything before it was written, until I found it kept too many words away. Now I am leaving the unwritten untitled, until it grows into a name.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No. 62

These words, written on heavy paper and taped to the wall above my desk, guided me through NaNoWriMo and writing an ethnography that I'll submit to my professor tonight.  They are also my self-created prompt for the philosophy of teaching that I have to write tonight.  

The last month or so has been so filled with writing elsewhere that I haven't had time to write here and I've missed posting on The English Muse for three weeks (oh dear).  I have noticed this, though: while last year, I felt like my writing was falling apart, I feel the opposite this year.  That ethnography?  Oh, how easy it was to write ten pages after the craze of NaNo!  Sure, I stressed about it because it does count for a significant portion of my grade, but not in the way I stressed over my final projects last year.  This year, I can see the importance and significance of my work: I am discovering how I can be a good teacher someday.  I am also re-discovering my voice, even in academic papers.  

I remember what the incomparable Dr. Strait once told my Brit Lit class: let's not lose our joy in reading.  That's what got us in this mess in the first place.  For now, I'm swapping writing for reading in that sentence and remembering why I started a blog in the first place, even if I haven't touched it for a month.  

So, now that I am writing again, here is my daily goal for this space: write one true sentence, every day.  Write whatever is true in that moment.  

Image mine: @liltoiloflove on instagram

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