why untitled, unwritten?

I once labeled everything before it was written, until I found it kept too many words away. Now I am leaving the unwritten untitled, until it grows into a name.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Days Like This

Days like this,
You look up at the sky above you.
Days like this,
You think about the ones that love you.

All I wanna do is live my life honestly;
I just wanna wake up and see your face next to me.
Every regret I have I will go set it free;
It will be good for me.

Days like this,
You think about the ones who went before you.
Days like this,
Have you ever seen the sky such a clear blue?

All I wanna do is live my life honestly;
I just wanna wake up and see your face next to me.
Every regret I have I will go set it free;
It will be good for me.

Days like this,
You think about the ones who love you.
Days like this,
Have you ever seen the sky such a clear blue?

Over the Rhine, "Days Like This," the sort of song you listen to on a day when you're saying goodbye...

Images: the sky on one side of our house and the other: low midmorning sun in the east, clear blue and feathery-clouded skies in the west

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