why untitled, unwritten?

I once labeled everything before it was written, until I found it kept too many words away. Now I am leaving the unwritten untitled, until it grows into a name.

Friday, April 19, 2013

When Words Are Not Enough (and you write them anyway)

For when you hear and see and read about so many things that shatter your heart.

When people aren't safe on the street.

Or inside.

When things happen that you cannot explain.

When you think this world is too much sorrow.

When you feel you cannot lift your head.

For when your struggles seem tiny

Yet you are still overwhelmed.

For those moments when you feel faint.

For when you tire of blame and division

And want to retreat inside...

Keep on hoping, keep on praying, keep on going.

This is the daily work of living even on the days that it's a fight to be an optimist and a dreamer...

Look for all of the good in this world, like the sudden startling beauty of a pear tree blossoming briefly against the bluest sky you've seen in months.

And maybe start listing your gifts as you feel gratitude birth greater hope in your heart.


... said...


Laura said...

I love that image of the blossoming pear tree. Lovely. =)